Environment Transport & Sustainability Committee

Agenda Item 7(d)(2)


Subject:                    Farming in Brighton & Hove

                                    Notice of Motion referred from Council on the 7 April 2022


Date of meeting:    21 June 2022


Ward(s) affected:   All



For general release





1.1    To receive the following Notice of Motion which was debated at and referred from the full Council meeting held on the 7 April 2022.




2.1    That the Committee note and undertake the actions agreed in the Notice of Motion.



3.1      The following resolution from the full council meeting held on the 7 April 2022 for the committee to consider is detailed below:


This Council:


1.    Notes that the Council’s rural estate consists of approximately 12,800 acres within the South Downs National Park; much of which is worked by long-standing tenant farmers;


2.   Recognises the tireless efforts of local farmers and local community   organisations who produce food for the city:


3.   Recognises the shared aims of Councillors on a cross-party basis that food be produced locally and sustainably; and agreed to participate fully in the work being done through the Asset Management Board on the City Downland Estate Plan (CDEP);


4.   Notes the broad and inclusive public consultation process facilitated by Planning for Real which preceded the creation of the draft CDEP and the positive response to date from the South Downs National Park Authority which described the consultation process as “exemplary”






5.   Recognises the opportunity afforded by the CDEP to work with farmers and other stakeholders to promote sustainable farming practices, enhance biodiversity, improve public access and sequester carbon, and the the need for BHCC to work with farmers to help them identify potential revenue streams compatible with the CDEP;


6.   Notes the proposal that in terms of the practical implementation of the CDEP, the views of farmers, key organisations stakeholders and community groups should be sought on an ongoing basis, the formal channel for which will be the Downland Advisory Panel.













































Brighton & Hove City Council




6.30pm 7 April 2022


Hove Town Hall - Council Chamber





Present:   Councillors Robins (Chair), Allcock, Appich, Atkinson, Bagaeen, Barnett, Brown, Clare, Davis, Druitt, Evans, Fishleigh, Gibson, Heley, Henry, Hugh-Jones, Janio, Lewry, Lloyd, Meadows, Mac Cafferty, McNair, Moonan, Nemeth, O'Quinn, Osborne, Peltzer Dunn, Powell, Shanks, Simson, C Theobald, Wilkinson and Williams








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102.1  The Notice of Motion as listed in Addendum 1 was proposed by Councillor Nemeth and formally seconded by Councillor Meadows.


102.2  Councillor Hugh-Jones moved a joint amendment on behalf of the Green and Labour Groups which was formally seconded by Councillor O’Quinn.


102.3  The Mayor put the amendment to the vote which was agreed. It was noted that the Conservative Group and Councillor Janio voted against the amendment and Councillor Fishleigh abstained.


102.4  The Mayor then put the following motion as amended to the vote:


            This Council:


1. Notes that the Council’s rural estate consists of approximately 12,800 acres within the South Downs National Park; much of which is worked by long-standing tenant farmers;


2. Recognises the tireless efforts of local farmers and local community organisations who produce food for the city:


3. Recognises the shared aims of Councillors on a cross-party basis that food be produced locally and sustainably; and agreed to participate fully in the work being done through the Asset Management Board on the City Downland Estate Plan (CDEP);


4. Notes the broad and inclusive public consultation process facilitated by Planning for Real which preceded the creation of the draft CDEP and the positive response to date from the South Downs National Park Authority which described the consultation process as “exemplary”


5. Recognises the opportunity afforded by the CDEP to work with farmers and other stakeholders to promote sustainable farming practices, enhance biodiversity, improve public access and sequester carbon, and the the need for BHCC to work with farmers to help them identify potential revenue streams compatible with the CDEP;


6. Notes the proposal that in terms of the practical implementation of the CDEP, the views of farmers, key organisations stakeholders and community groups should be sought on an ongoing basis, the formal channel for which will be the Downland Advisory Panel.


102.5  The Mayor confirmed that the Notice of Motion as amended had been carried. It was noted that the Conservative Group abstained, and Councillor Janio voted against the Notice of Motion as amended.